When I viewed this super bowl ad I must admit I did shed a tiny tear. This video is very touching and will probably remain on my top favorites.
Who: During this ad Budweiser tells a story of a man and his loyal companion which is the horse.
What: Budweiser is advertising and selling to the consumer the lifestyle of the brand. They are telling the consumer that Budweiser isn't just a beer brand they are a brotherhood to all who consume it.
Where: This video is taking place in a few locations. At the beginning of the commercial you see the the owner and his horse bonding in a open field right outside the home. They then show the owner of the horse escorting the horse into its trailer which will take him to the parade. The touching scene comes up ahead when the owner of the horse goes to see his horse at the parade. He then realizes his horse is not aware that his owner is looking at him but as he passes by his owner he suddenly turns around and his blind fold is removed. The owner is then driving away but before he knows it he sees his loyal horse running towards.
When: This ad was released just this past February, 2013.
Why: I think Budweiser wanted to show their clients that they actually care for the customers by showing the bondage between the man and his best friend...his horse.
How: Budweiser captured Americas heart when the horse turned for his owner. That touching moment was the message Budweiser was trying to pass on to their customers and to those who don't know much about the brand. When a company like Budweiser uses real life experiences like these to promote their brand they expect viewers to be able to relate with the commercial and almost in vision themselves being that person.
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